Welcome to climate smart agriculture for East Africa

Short description of Climate Smart Agriculture East Africa could go here...

CSA 101 EA

More CSA 101 EA explanations goes here...

The New CSA101EA Horizon

The dream of CSA101EA expectations....


Climate service blogs could go here…


Years of experience


Happy Agro-Advisories


Reliable Climate Information

What we do

Climate Smart Agriculture 101 for East Africa is doing...

Climate Information

Climate information services in the CRAFT project

Capacity Building

Capacity building activities began with sensitization

Our Portfolio

CSA101EA is a climate smart agriculture for east African group...

By: Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security

Our Team

We are not a team, we are workaholic group of people ready to kick start any task. You can see our each person short description here.

Teferi Demissie

Teferi's Expertise

Teferi Demissie

Joab Osumba

Joab's Expertise

Joab Osumba

Helena Shilomboleni

Helena's Expertise

Helena Shilomboleni

John Recha

John's Expertise

John Recha

Dawit Solomon

Dawit's Expertise

Dawit Solomon

Maren Radeny

Maren's Expertise

Maren Radeny

Seble's Expertise

Seble Samuel

Latest Blog

Below is a list of recent blog post , and the blog introduction could goes here...

Hello CSA!

Hell CSA101EA teams and users, your latest blogs will appear here …

Six Steps to Climate-Smart Agriculture

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has published a booklet on six steps needed to achieve climate resilience in […]

We are Climate Smart Agriculture 101 East Africa

Our research and practices are…. We are aspiring to accomplish the following objectives: Climate Smart Agriculture

Ideas we provide are competitive

We providing competitive ideas to supportĀ 

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